因为可以 所以选择 (十一) 你是否还记得?

因为可以 所以选择 (十一) 你是否还记得?

2016-03-29    07'11''

主播: 小V爱读书

233 11

十一 你是否还记得?Do you remember? Do you remember when did you first time to speak out? Do you remember where were you born? Do you remember what your first desire was? Do you remember what your true happiness was? Do you remember…... 打开尘封这扇门之后, 那里有什么? 门开了, 那么多有趣的人, 老的、少的、不同性别的、高的矮的, 很多闲杂的声音,自由着的平静和安宁, 那么合一。 没有太多色彩,它是灰色的,有深有浅, 却有最明艳的红色。 他们是动态的, 明朗的笑声,一片欢天喜地。 哦,在门外, 那一堆孩子里, 我见到了她, 雀跃、积极而又疯狂, 他们在干什么? 她在玩什么游戏,那么投入。 她蹦蹦跳跳,张牙舞爪,用不完的精力。 Sometimes you keeping going day after day but forget to look back, look into the past and see how was your inner eagerness, see, what really made you smile and blossom at childhood. I can still hear the children calling, we left them there when we were young. and now the children was growing up until they finally find way home… 记起来了吗, 他们中间的那个双眼发光的你; 记起来了吗, 那个在班里“我想成为某某”的你; 记起来了吗, 那个想要揣着梦环游世界的你。 The spotlight faded, the door was closed, the children disbanded, where you go? Where you will stay? And where you will be looking for? 2016/3/29