Take Yourself Home(Acoustic)-Troye Sivan《In A Dream》中国特别版加曲

Take Yourself Home(Acoustic)-Troye Sivan《In A Dream》中国特别版加曲

2020-11-01    02'55''

主播: 一只叫波罗的猫

302 4

作词 : Troye Sivan/Tayla Parx/Oscar Gorres/Brett McLaughlin, 作曲 : Troye Sivan/Tayla Parx/Oscar Gorres/Brett McLaughlin, I’m tired of the city, 我已厌倦了城市的喧嚣, Scream if you’re with me, 若你也作这般感受 请伴我一同失声尖叫, If I’m gonna die, let’s die somewhere pretty, 若我终将面对死亡 请让我们在一个美好的地方逝去, Sad in the summer, 夏日里蔓延的忧伤, City needs a mother, 城市也需要母爱的慰藉, If I’m gonna waste my time, then it’s time to go, 若我注定将蹉跎这段时光 不如即刻启程, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿, Talk to me, 和我敞开心扉地谈谈吧, There’s nothing that can’t be fixed with some honesty, 没有坦诚相待不能填补的心伤, And how it got this dark is just beyond to me, 究竟何时我已深陷于这漆黑一片的境地之中, If anyone can hear me switch the lights, 倘若有人能听见我的声音 请为我重燃希望的灯火, And happiness, 你所追寻的幸福, Is right there where you lost it, 仍留存在你丢失它的地方, When you took the bet, 当你约定下这场赌注, Counting all the losses that you can’t collect, 才回过头细数自己无法挽回的损失, Got everything and nothing in my life, 生命中的一切所得都转瞬即逝, I’m tired of the city, 我已厌倦了城市的喧嚣, Scream if you’re with me, 若你也作这般感受 请伴我一同失声尖叫, If I’m gonna die, let’s die somewhere pretty, 若我终将面对死亡 请让我们在一个美好的地方逝去, Sad in the summer, 夏日里蔓延的忧伤, City needs a mother, 城市也需要母爱的慰藉, If I’m gonna waste my time then it’s time to go, 若我注定将蹉跎这段时光 不如即刻启程, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿, Who you really tryna be when you see your face? 当你望向自己的面庞 又真正想成为何人? Is it worth it trying to win in a losing game? 在这场注定一败涂地的游戏中 是否还值得为胜利而拼搏, Well it’s all waiting for you, 这一切都静候着你的到来, And boy I know you’re eager, 男孩 我了解你内心的渴求, But it just might destroy you, 但它也许会将你摧毁, Destroy you, 将你摧毁, I’m tired of the city, 我已厌倦了城市的喧嚣, Scream if you’re with me, 若你也作这般感受 请伴我一同失声尖叫, If I’m gonna die, let’s die somewhere pretty, 若我终将面对死亡 请让我们在一个美好的地方逝去, Sad in the summer, 夏日里蔓延的忧伤, City needs a mother, 城市也需要母爱的慰藉, If I’m gonna waste my time then it’s time to go, 若我注定将蹉跎这段时光 不如即刻启程, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿, Take yourself home, 带你回到遮风避雨的归宿。
上一期: Rager teenager!-Troye Sivan