Lesson 10 Rain and Sun
第十课 雨和太阳
1 What is it?它是什么?
This is the sun.The sun is hot.
Do you see the cloud and the rain?
Look at the wind.
This is snow.Snow is cold and white.
I like rain and snow.What about you?
2 Let's sing!大家一起来唱歌!
January,February,one and two.
I like to play in the snow with you.
March,April,three and four.
Clouds and rain!Close the door!
May,June,five and six.
Flowers bloom for us to look.
July,August,seven and eight.
Here's the beach.
The sun is great!
September,October,nine and ten.
Leaves and wind,school and friends.
November,December,the year is done.
Let's sing again from number one.