

2021-05-22    01'24''

主播: 🍉优点乖🍉

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Again the disciple asked, "I venture to ask about the class still next in order." The Master said, "They are determined to be sincere in what they say, and to carry out what they do, 曰:“敢问其次。”曰:“言必信,行必果, They are obstinate little men! Yet perhaps they may make the next class." Tsze-kung finally inquired, "Of what sort are those of the present day, who engage in government?" 踁踁然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。”曰:“今之从政者何如?” The Master said "Pooh! they are so many pecks and hampers, not worth being taken into account!" The Master said, "Since I cannot get men pursuing the due medium, to whom I might communicate my instructions, I must find the ardent and the cautiously-decided! 子曰:“噫!斗筲之人,何足算也!”子曰:“不得中行而与之,必也狂狷乎! The ardent will advance and lay hold of truth, the cautiously-decided will keep themselves from what is wrong." The Master said, "The people of the south have a saying -'A man without constancy cannot be either a wizard or a doctor. ' Good!" 狂者进取,狷者有所不为也。”子曰:“南人有言曰:‘人而无恒,不可以作巫医。’善夫!” "Inconstant in his virtue, he will be visited with disgrace." The Master said, "This arises simply from not attending to the prognostication." The Master said, "The superior man is affable, but not adulatory, the mean man is adulatory, but not affable." “不恒其德,或承之羞。”子曰:“不占而已矣。”子曰:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”