

2021-05-26    01'41''

主播: 🍉优点乖🍉

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Tsze-kung said, "Kwan Chung, I apprehend was wanting in virtue. When the Duke Hwan caused his brother Chiu to be killed, Kwan Chung was not able to die with him, Moreover, he became prime minister to Hwan." 子贡曰:“管仲非仁者与。桓公杀公子纠,不能死,又相之。” The Master said, "Kwan Chung acted as prime minister to the Duke Hwan made him leader of all the princes, and united and rectified the whole kingdom, Down to the present day, the people enjoy the gifts which he conferred. 子曰:“管仲相桓公霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐。 But for Kwan Chung, we should now be wearing our hair unbound, and the lappets of our coats buttoning on the left side. Will you require from him the small fidelity of common men and common women, who would commit suicide in a stream or ditch, no one knowing anything about them?" 微管仲,吾其被发左衽矣。岂若匹夫匹妇之为谅也,自经于沟渎而莫之知也?” The great officer, Hsien, who had been family minister to Kung-shu Wan, ascended to the prince's court in company with Wan. The Master, having heard of it, said, "He deserved to be considered WAN (the accomplished)." 公叔文子之臣大夫僎与文子同升诸公。子闻之,曰:“可以为‘文’矣。” The Master was speaking about the unprincipled course of the duke Ling of Weil when Ch'i K'ang said, "Since he is of such a character, how is it he does not lose his state?" Confucius said, "The Chung-shu Yu has the superintendence of his guests and of strangers, the litanist, T'o, has the management of his ancestral temple, 子言卫灵公之无道也,康子曰:“夫如是,奚而不丧?”孔子曰:“仲叔圉治宾客,祝鮀治宗庙, and Wang-sun Chia has the direction of the army and forces, with such officers as these, how should he lose his state?" 王孙贾治军旅,夫如是,奚其丧?”