The Master said, "He who puts on an appearance of stern firmness, while inwardly he is weak, is like one of the small, mean people, yea, is he not like the thief who breaks through, or climbs over, a wall?"
The Master said, "Your good, careful people of the villages are the thieves of virtue." The Master said, "To tell, as we go along, what we have heard on the way, is to cast away our virtue."
The Master said, "There are those mean creatures! How impossible it is along with them to serve one's prince! While they have not got their aims, their anxiety is how to get them;
When they have got them, their anxiety is lest they should lose them; When they are anxious lest such things should be lost, there is nothing to which they will not proceed."
The Master said, "Anciently, men had three failings, which now perhaps are not to be found. The high-mindedness of antiquity showed itself in a disregard of small things, the high-mindedness of the present day shows itself in wild license;
The stern dignity of antiquity showed itself in grave reserve, the stern dignity of the present day shows itself in quarrelsome perverseness; The stupidity of antiquity showed itself in straightforwardness, the stupidity of the present day shows itself in sheer deceit."