【燃烧姐Miley】英语口语: 信用卡丢了,怎么办?

【燃烧姐Miley】英语口语: 信用卡丢了,怎么办?

2016-12-13    03'48''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

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想加入燃烧姐英语群的童鞋 请戳燃烧姐微信号: miley457 赠送荔枝,订阅转发 你的支持,我的动力 央行新规: 人民银行日前规定,自12月1日起,个人在银行开立账户,每人在同一家银行只能开立一个Ⅰ类户,如果已经有Ⅰ类户的,再开户时只能是Ⅱ、Ⅲ类账户。账户级别的不同,意味着功能和额度的差异。 节目配文: B:Hello,Berkley Bank!Can I help you? A:Hello,can I speak to customer services? B:OK,please wait a moment. C:Customer services.What can I do for you? A:Hello,I've got a problem. C:What's the matter? A:I think I've lost my credit card.I cannot find it in my card bag. C:Well..Have you used it recently? A:Sorry,I forgot it.I can remember that I just took the money with it last week. C:OK,I will report the loss for you. A:Oh,thanks. C:Now,could you give me your name? A:Umm,Bob Bryant.B-O-B,B-R-Y-A-N-T. C:Got it.Your ID card number,please. A:My ID card number is 430012 19960514 0032. C:OK.430012 19960514 0032.Please give me your card number. A:It's 11334566780. C:Okay,please enter your PIN. ...... A:Umm,that's all.I need to make up a new card.How long will I receive it? C:About 4 or 6 working days.Could you give me your number? A:934-864-521. C:It's934-864-521.What's your address?We'll send you your credit card. A:I live in 555 Lexington Avenue,10th Floor,Room 202, New York. B:OK,I'll try my best to do it. A:Thank you. C:You're welcome.To serve you is my responsibility. 相关阅读: 信用卡丢失后,在一段时间内我们会处于无卡状态。而无卡状态下,特别是还记不住信用卡卡号的情况下怎样还款呢? 如果方便可以前往发卡银行营业网点办理信用卡还款,如果有个人网银,则可以登录个人网银直接还款。除此之外,如果之前有过第三方支付工具还款的经历,那通常就绑定了信用卡,再进行还款时就不需要输入信用卡卡号了,直接根据第三方支付工具的提示进行还款即可。 也就是说,信用卡挂失后,基本上处于冻结状态,但是并不影响还款。信用卡挂失后一定要留意自己的还款日,不要逾期还款。挂失状态下的逾期还款照样会记入不良信用记录。