Life Hack | BY Miley

Life Hack | BY Miley

2017-08-07    00'54''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

153 1

《An Unethical Life Hack》生活窍门“黑科技” 作曲by燃烧姐 词改编自Quora 的一则小故事 In Berlin, when the wall was still up, there was a smuggler who used to ride every day from East to West with a bag of sand hanging from his bicycle (bicycle) 在check point (检查站),这位smuggler(走私犯)被拦下来问话: -Open it -Yes sir, what's up? -Let me check it! Search through it! [疑问] 我上看下看左看右看 Every night he returned Never found anything serious 我上看下看左看右看 I didn't realize that he was smuggling bicycles 故事大意概括: 走私犯天天从东柏林骑车到西柏林,自行车上装了一麻袋沙子,检察官每次都查不出有什么可疑的东西(Something suspicious)~就这样,日复一日,其实这个走私犯走私的是——自行车 所以啊,如果我们只关注那些我们想要找寻的东西,就会忽视其他“重要”的事情啊!所以,这个叫生活骇客(或生活小窍门life hack)。你们看完这个故事有什么感想吗? 燃烧姐Miley公众号:MileyOnFire