

2017-04-10    04'22''

主播: 国民女人🇨🇳

375 10

你都不肯公开我的身份 怎么说喜欢我呢 不秀恩爱 ,也可能是因为不够爱 哈喽 大家晚上好 我是主播佳丽 喜欢主播声音的可以订阅喲 然后今天分享Adna的单曲《Night》: http://music.163.com/song/28310849/?userid=422261530 (来自@网易云音乐) 大家晚安 Silence grows and you're all i know,Eyes are closed, ill see your smile, your love,Thinking,This is what,It could be,Knowing,It is all,It would be,In the night,When you see,What I see,In the night when you feel,What I mean,You're my knight,And my dream,And my only sight,Oh you,Oh you,Stay true,Playing with,The thought,Of some birds,Flying where we'd owe your love,Placing it in my whole world,Lets pretend,I am all,You know,In the night,When you see,What I see,In the night when you feel,What I mean,You're my knight,And my dream,And my only sight,Oh you,Oh you,Stay true,In the night,When you see,What I see,In the night when you feel,What I mean,You're my knight,My dream,And my only sight,Oh you,Oh you,Stay true,Oh you,Oh you,Stay true,Ohh..