

2017-01-26    07'20''

主播: 杨乾同学

168 6

我今年二十七八岁, I’m in my late twenties. 明明很想哭,却还在笑; Actually crying on the inside, but still smiling on the outside. 明明很在乎,却装作无所谓; Actually caring a lot, but still acting like you never bother to ask. 明明很想留下,却坚定地说要离开; Actually wanting to stay, but still insisting to leave without hesitation. 明明很痛苦,却偏偏说自己很幸福; Actually being in great pain, but still claiming that you are happy. 明明忘不掉,却说已经忘了; Actually never will you forget, but still claiming that you have forgotten. 明明放不下,却说她是她,我是我; Actually never can you let it go, but still claiming that she is out of your life. 明明舍不得,却说我已经受够了; Actually never can you let go of her, but still claiming that you had enough with her. 明明说的是违心的假话,却说那是自己的真心话; Actually the words of your mouth are against your heart, but still claiming that you are being honest. 明明眼泪都快溢出眼眶,却高昂着头; Actually almost bursting into tears, but still holding your head high. 明明已经无法挽回,却依旧执着; Actually it’s all water under the bridge, but still sticking to your own path. 明明知道自己很受伤,却说你不必觉得欠我的; Actually being badly hurt in this relationship, but still claiming that she does not owe you. 明明这样『伪装』得很累,却还得依旧… Actually getting worn out by this disguise, but still bearing all the burdens as usual.
上一期: 大海中倒映着月亮
下一期: 都怪我