

2017-03-10    01'39''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

699 4

上车之前,担心身上的钱不够,可以问一下司机到目的地的大概费用,我们可以说 How much will it cost? A: How much will it cost? B: Well, If you want to go to the airport, it will be about seventy dollars. 乘车前问大致费用时,碰到有经验的师傅也许能告诉你,但是碰上刚入门的师傅可能会说 that depends on the meter A: What's the fare? B: Well, that depends on the meter. 一般出租车师傅都会按照计价器收费,但是如果你觉得司机师傅收的不对的时候可以说 I don't think that's quite right. A: The meter reads 20 dollars. B: Well, I don't think that's quite right. 司机师傅告诉你多少车费也有可能会说: According to the meter, the fare is 20 dollars. The meter says that will be 20 dollars. According to the meter, it should be 20 dollars.
上一期: 2017-03-09每日朗读
下一期: 2017-03-11听写