

2017-04-17    03'00''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

311 10

问路时一定会问到距离有多远,来看看关于路程远近的说法都有哪些吧 How far is it from here? 例句: A: Excuse me, are there any banks around here? 请问附近有银行吗? B: Yes, just continue going straight. 有,请直行。 A: How far is it from here? 距离这儿有多远呢? B: It’s a five minutes walk. 步行5分钟的路程。 询问路程远近时,最好问清楚具体需要花费多长时间,这样你才更不容易走错呢 Will it take me long to get there? How long will it take me to get there? 例句: A: Excuse me, are there any shops around here? 请问这儿有商店吗? B: Yes, go straight ahead. 是的,一直往前走 A: Will it take me long to get there? 到那儿要花多久? B: No, it’s about ten minutes away. 不用,大约10分钟 如果你想步行去某个地方,首先要确定的就是该目的地能否步行到达。 Is it far to walk? 例句: A: I want to buy some clothes. B: You can go to the department store. A: Is it far to walk?