【原创】五颗彩虹糖:5 Colored Candies【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】五颗彩虹糖:5 Colored Candies【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-04-11    02'03''

主播: 宝宝巴士

22860 20

"【歌词:英文——中文翻译】 Swimming ,Guys let’s join him. 游泳,我们也一起去游泳吧! Five colored candies go swimming. 五颗彩虹糖一起去游泳 。 One jumps into a cup of water. 一颗彩虹糖噗通跳下水。 The water turns red. 水变成红色 。 And the candy says. 彩虹糖说: Where is my red-colored clothes. 我的红色衣服不见了。 Four colored candies go swimming. 四颗彩虹糖一起去游泳 。 One jumps into a cup of water. 一颗彩虹糖噗通跳下水。 The water turns yellow . 水变成黄色 。 And the candy says. 彩虹糖说: Where is my yellow-colored clothes. 我的黄色衣服不见了。 Three colored candies go swimming. 三颗彩虹糖一起去游泳 。 One jumps into a cup of water. 一颗彩虹糖噗通跳下水。 The water turns blue . 水变成蓝色 。 And the candy says. 彩虹糖说: Where is my blue-colored clothes. 我的蓝色衣服不见了。 Oh no! 哦不! I’m going to ask the candy maker. 我要去问问糖果师。 What happened to us? 到底是怎么回事? Two colored candies go swimming. 二颗彩虹糖一起去游泳 。 One jumps into a cup of water. 一颗彩虹糖噗通跳下水。 The water turns green . 水变成绿色 。 And the candy says. 彩虹糖说: Where is my green-colored clothes. 我的绿色衣服不见了。 Where is my green-colored clothes. 我的绿色衣服不见了。 One colored candies go swimming. 一颗彩虹糖一起去游泳 。 One jumps into a cup of water. 一颗彩虹糖噗通跳下水。 The water turns purple . 水变成紫色 。 And the candy says. 彩虹糖说: Where is my purple-colored clothes. 我的紫色衣服不见了。 Oh my ,Who are you? 噢,你们是谁啊? We are five colored candies. 我们是五颗彩色糖果啊。 Why did all of you become white. 那你们怎么变成白色了。"