【原创】魔术师和怪兽车:A Magician and Monster Cars

【原创】魔术师和怪兽车:A Magician and Monster Cars

2018-04-11    01'40''

主播: 宝宝巴士

21842 25

"【歌词:英文——中文翻译】 Hello I’m KIKI. I am a magician today. 你好,我是奇奇。今天我是一个魔术师。 Look!These are my magic tools. 看!这有我的魔术工具。 A magician in a repair shop. 汽修厂有个魔术师。 And he can change a fire truck. 他能帮消防车变身。 Hey red fire truck. 红色消防车。 Putting huge tires on. 装上大轮胎。 Change change right now. 立刻变身了。 Into a monster car. Oh! 变成怪兽卡车 ,哦! A magician in a repair shop. 汽修厂有个魔术师。 And he can change a big truck. 他能帮大卡车变身。 Hey big blue truck. 蓝色大卡车。 Putting huge tires on. 装上大轮胎。 Change change right now. 立刻变身了。 Into a monster car. Oh! 变成怪兽卡车 ,哦! A magician in a repair shop. 汽修厂有个魔术师。 And he can change a taxi. 他能帮出租车变身。 Hey yellow taxi. 黄色出租车。 Putting huge tires on. 装上大轮胎。 Change change right now. 立刻变身了。 Into a monster car. Oh! 变成怪兽卡车 ,哦! A magician in a repair shop. 汽修厂有个魔术师。 And he can change a little car. 他能帮小汽车变身。 Hey little green car. 绿色小汽车。 Putting huge tires on. 装上大轮胎。 Change change right now. 立刻变身了。 Into a monster car. Oh! 变成怪兽卡车 ,哦! Come all of the monster cars. 怪兽卡车们快过来。 Let’s run a monster car race. 大家快来比赛。 Hey huge tires. 大大的轮胎。 Roll roll more quickly. 快快转一转。 Run run everyone. 加油往前跑。 Who will be the winner. Oh! 看看谁最快,噢! The green car won the first prize. 绿色小汽车第一名。 The ambulance came in second. 救护车第二名。 And the fire truck came in third. 消防车第三名。 Congratulations Green Car. 恭喜绿色小汽车 。 You are the winner. 你是冠军。"