【原创】安全好习惯:Swimming Pool Safety·玩水安全

【原创】安全好习惯:Swimming Pool Safety·玩水安全

2018-04-13    01'37''

主播: 宝宝巴士

22740 13

【歌词:英文——中文翻译】 Swimming goggles on. 戴上了泳镜。 Holding an inner tube. 拿着游泳圈。 Before jumping in the pool. 跳进泳池前。 Let's get ready to swim. 一起来准备吧。 Stretch out your arms. 伸一伸双手。 And stretch out your legs. 压一压双腿。 Do some warming up with me. 跟我一起做热身操。 Let’s move together. 动一动身体。 Hold the handrail. 抓紧了扶手。 Then stand up straight. 双脚要站稳 。 Step by step go down the ladder. 一步一步慢慢的走。 Watch out please. 请小心。 Try to move your arms. 双手划一划。 Kick your legs hard. 双脚踢一踢。 In the big swimming pool. 大大游泳池。 Swimming is always fun. 游泳真快乐呀。 Don't swim in the place too deep for you. 深水区太危险不能去。 Stay in the Children's Zone. 小朋友只能在儿童区玩哦。 We're coming too. 我们来了 Swimming goggles on. 戴上了泳镜。 Holding an inner tube. 拿着游泳圈。 Before jumping in the pool. 跳进泳池前。 Let's get ready to swim. 一起来准备吧。 Stretch out your arms. 伸一伸双手。 And stretch out your legs. 压一压双腿。 Do some warming up with me. 跟我一起做热身操。 Let’s move together. 动一动身体。 Hold the handrail. 抓紧了扶手。 Then stand up straight. 双脚要站稳 。 Step by step go down the ladder. 一步一步慢慢的走。 Watch out please. 请小心。 Try to move your arms. 双手划一划。 Kick your legs hard. 双脚踢一踢。 In the big swimming pool. 大大游泳池。 Swimming is always fun. 游泳真快乐呀。 Swimming is always fun. 游泳真快乐呀。