【原创】十只小绵羊:Ten Little Sheep【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】十只小绵羊:Ten Little Sheep【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-05-19    01'56''

主播: 宝宝巴士

21506 27

【英文儿歌歌词:英文——中文翻译】 One little two little three little sheep, 一只、两只、三只小绵羊, Four little five little six little sheep, 四只、五只、六只小绵羊,​ Seven little eight little nine little sheep, 七只、八只、九只小绵羊,​ Ten little sheep are shearing now. 十只绵羊剪羊毛。 One and two and three bags of white wool, 一袋、两袋、三袋白羊毛, Four and five and six bags of white wool, 四袋、五袋、六袋白羊毛​, Seven and eight and nine bags of white wool, 七袋、八袋、九袋白羊毛,​ Ten bags of wool for warm sweaters. 十袋羊毛做毛衣。​ One and two and three warm sweaters, 一件、两件、三件羊毛衣, Four and five and six warm sweaters, 四件、五件、六件羊毛衣,​ Seven and eight and nine warm sweaters, 七件、八件、九件羊毛衣,​ Ten warm sweaters for our friends. 十件毛衣送朋友​。 One and two and three good friends, 一个、两个、三个好朋友, Four and five and six good friends, 四个、五个、六个好朋友,​ Seven and eight and nine good friends, 七个、八个、九个好朋友,​ Ten good friends are wearing sweaters. 十个好朋友穿毛衣。​