【原创】小猫过生日:Little Cat's Birthday Party【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】小猫过生日:Little Cat's Birthday Party【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-05-20    01'50''

主播: 宝宝巴士

23009 27

【英文儿歌歌词:英文——中文翻译】 ​Meow meow 喵 喵 It is my birthday,今天是我的生日​, Meow 喵​ My friends will come to my birthday party. 我的朋友们要来参加我的生日派对。 Here comes Little Chick小鸡走来​ Peep peep peep.叽叽叽​。 Look 看 He brought some rice It’s for me. 它带来香香的大米送给我​。 Meow meow 喵 喵 It is my birthday,今天是我的生日,​ Meow 喵​ My friends will come to my birthday party. 我的朋友们要来参加我的生日派对。 Here comes Honey Bee蜜蜂飞来​ Buzz buzz buzz.嗡嗡嗡。 Look 看 He brought some honey It’s for me. 它带来甜甜的蜂蜜送给我​。 Meow meow 喵 喵 It is my birthday,今天是我的生日, Meow 喵 My friends will come to my birthday party. 我的朋友们要来参加我的生日派对。 Here comes Little Frog青蛙跳来 Croak croak croak.呱呱呱​。 Look 看​ He brought a lotus leaf for me. 它带来圆圆的荷叶送给我​。 Meow meow, 喵 喵 It is my birthday,今天是我的生日 Meow, 喵 My friends will come to my birthday party, 我的朋友们要来参加我的生日派对。 Here comes Little Duck小鸭游来 Quack quack quack.嘎嘎嘎。 Look 看 He brought a cute fish for me. 它带来可爱的小鱼送给我。 Meow meow 喵 喵 It is my birthday,今天是我的生日 Meow 喵 My friends will come to my birthday party, 我的朋友们要来参加我的生日派对。 Here comes Little Sheep小羊跑来 Baa baa baa.咩咩咩。 Look 看 He brought a birthday cake for me. 它带来好吃的蛋糕送给我。