【原创】晚安,农场:Good Night, Farm【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】晚安,农场:Good Night, Farm【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-05-23    01'53''

主播: 宝宝巴士

22745 26

【英文儿歌歌词:英文——中文翻译】 The moon is like a ship,月亮弯弯像艘小船 , Rocking rocking,摇呀摇呀,​ Sailing in the sky.在天空航行​。 The stars are like eyes,星星闪闪像是眼睛, Shining shining,眨呀眨呀,​ Twinkle twinkle.一闪一闪。​ Hey Firefly,萤火虫呀, Holding the lamp,提着灯笼,​ Flying high flying high.飞呀飞呀。 Waving hands to each other,互相道别​, Whispering:轻声地说​: Good night good night.晚安晚安​。 Little Cat meow meow meow,小猫喵喵喵, Closes her eyes.闭上眼睛。​ Little Sheep baa baa baa,小羊咩咩咩,​ Closes her eyes.闭上眼睛。​ Little Calf moo moo moo,小牛哞哞哞,​ Closes her eyes.闭上眼睛​。 All the baby animals are sleeping,小宝贝们进入梦乡​, Good night good night.晚安晚安。​ Good night good night.晚安晚安。​