【经典】公交车的轮子:The Wheels On The Bus

【经典】公交车的轮子:The Wheels On The Bus

2018-09-06    01'48''

主播: 宝宝巴士

35088 113

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车的轮子向前转 转呀转, Round and round round and round. 转呀转 转呀转。 The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车的轮子向前转 转呀转, All through the town. 转遍整个城镇。 The people on the bus go up and down, 汽车上的乘客 上呀下呀, Up and down up and down! 上呀下呀 上呀下呀! The people on the bus go up and down, 汽车上的乘客 上呀下呀, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 The horn on the bus goes toot toot toot, 汽车上的喇叭 突突响, Toot toot toot toot toot toot. 突突响 突突响。 The horn on the bus goes toot toot toot, 汽车上的喇叭 突突响, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 The money in the box goes ding ding ding, 收费箱的钱币 叮叮响, Ding ding ding ding ding ding. 叮叮响 叮叮响, The money in the box goes ding ding ding, 收费箱的钱币 叮叮响, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 The wipers on the glass goes swish swish swish, 车玻璃上的车刷 在唰唰唰, Swish swish swish swish swish swish. 唰唰唰 唰唰唰。 The wipers on the glass goes swish swish swish, 车玻璃上的车刷 在唰唰唰, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 The doors on the bus go open and shut, 公共汽车的门 开了又关, Open and shut open and shut. 开了又关 开了又关。 The doors on the bus go open and shutt, 公共汽车的门 开了又关, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 The driver on the bus says Move on back, 车上的司机说道 往后挪, Move on back move on back. 往后挪 往后挪。 The driver on the bus says Move on back, 车上的司机说道 往后挪, All through the town. 在穿越城镇的路上。 ​