【幼儿园安全】小心陌生人:Watch out for strangers

【幼儿园安全】小心陌生人:Watch out for strangers

2018-12-12    01'26''

主播: 宝宝巴士

38917 94

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Many friends in my preschool, 幼儿园里朋友多, it’s so fun to play with them. 一起玩耍真开心。 Remember this, please be safe. 记住要注意安全 保护自己, Watch out for strangers all the time. 时刻小心陌生人。 When a stranger tries to hug you, 陌生人想要抱你, Don’t be afraid and shout out, “NO!” 不要害怕,大声说“不”。 When you’re in danger, 遇到危险时,要勇敢求救, Try to take care of yourself. 保护好自己。 Many people will help us out, 有很多人会来帮助我们, The teacher and the security guard. 保安叔叔和老师, Ask for help at any time. 随时寻求帮助, Remember to protect yourself, please. 自我保护很重要。