【幼儿园安全】上厕所安全:Toilet safety

【幼儿园安全】上厕所安全:Toilet safety

2018-12-16    01'59''

主播: 宝宝巴士

36893 83

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Five little crocodiles feel so bloated. 五只小鳄鱼 肚子胀胀的, So they all go to the restroom. 他们一起去上厕所。 The teacher says, 老师说: Stand in line and wait your turn. 耐心等待排好队, Always be careful and stay safe. 一定要小心,注意安全。 Four little crocodiles feel so bloated. 四只小鳄鱼 肚子胀胀的, So they all go to the restroom. 他们一起去上厕所。 The teacher says, 老师说: See which is girl’s and boy’s. 男生女生分清楚, Always be careful and stay safe. 一定要小心,注意安全。 Three little crocodiles feel so bloated. 三只小鳄鱼 肚子胀胀的, So they all go to the restroom. 他们一起去上厕所。 The teacher says, 老师说: Make sure to close the door. 记得关上门, Always be careful and stay safe. 一定要小心,注意安全。 Two little crocodiles feel so bloated. 两只小鳄鱼 肚子胀胀的, So they all go to the restroom. 他们一起去上厕所。 The teacher says, 老师说: Wash your hands and dry them well. 洗完小手擦干净, Always be careful and stay safe. 一定要小心,注意安全。 A little crocodile feels so bloated. 一只小鳄鱼 肚子胀胀的, So he goes to the restroom now. 所以他现在要去上厕所。 The teacher says, 老师说: Watch out for the wet floor. 小心地滑慢慢走, Always be careful and stay safe. 一定要小心,注意安全。 Five little crocodiles come back now. 五只小鳄鱼 上完厕所, They all feel so fresh and clean. 他们都觉得很舒服。 The teacher says, 老师说: Who did not flush the toilet? 是谁忘记冲便便? Go now and say goodbye to your poo. 快和臭臭便便说再见。 Go say goodbye to your poo. 臭臭便便说再见。 ​