【交通工具】三个小朋友开彩蛋:Three kids open their eggs

【交通工具】三个小朋友开彩蛋:Three kids open their eggs

2019-01-12    01'45''

主播: 宝宝巴士

55788 108

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Three little children with three eggs. 三个小朋友三个彩蛋, Steam Train popped out from one egg. 一个彩蛋打开是蒸汽火车。 One child gets on the train now. 一个小朋友坐上火车, And the train says, 火车说: choo choo~ Let’s go ! choo choo,出发咯! Steam Train goes, 蒸汽火车前进! Steam Train goes, 蒸汽火车前进! Slowly through the large field. 慢慢的开过田野。 Steam Train goes, 蒸汽火车前进! Steam Train goes, 蒸汽火车前进! Slowly through the green woods. 慢慢的开过森林。 Two little children with two eggs. 两个小朋友两个彩蛋, Electric Train popped out from one egg. 一个彩蛋打开是电力火车。 One child gets on the train now. 一个小朋友坐上火车, And the train says, 火车说: choo choo~ Let’s go ! choo choo,出发咯! Electric Train, 电力火车! Electric Train, 电力火车! Quickly goes through the large field. 快快的开过田野。 Electric Train, 电力火车! Electric Train, 电力火车! Quickly goes through the green woods. 快快的开过森林。 One little child with one egg. 一个小朋友开彩蛋, High-Speed Train popped out from the egg. 彩蛋打开是高速火车。 The child gets on the train now. 这个小朋友坐上火车, And the train says, 火车说: choo choo~ Let’s go ! choo choo,出发咯! High-Speed Train, 高速火车! High-Speed Train, 高速火车! Runs very fast through the large field. 超级快的开过田野。 High-Speed Train, 高速火车! High-Speed Train, 高速火车! Runs very fast through the green woods. 超级快的开过森林。 ​