【怪兽车系列】怪兽车找彩蛋:Monster car search for eggs

【怪兽车系列】怪兽车找彩蛋:Monster car search for eggs

2019-03-03    01'59''

主播: 宝宝巴士

78228 135

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Hey, monster cars, find the hidden eggs. 嘿!怪兽车出动,找到隐藏的彩蛋, Hidden surprise eggs, come and find them. 彩蛋在哪里?快来找一找。 Let’s go, monster cars. Find the hidden eggs. 怪兽车出动,找到彩蛋, Hidden surprise eggs, let’s go find them. 彩蛋在哪里?让我们找到它们。 Start the engines, vroom, vroom. 发动引擎,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家出动找彩蛋。 Let’s move, let’s move, vroom, vroom. 快速向前,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家出动找彩蛋。 I just found the red egg. 找到一个红色彩蛋, Let’s open it and look inside. 打开看看装了什么? So many many lollipops. 有好多好多的糖果, Let’s all have fun, everyone. 大家一起开心分享。 Hey, monster cars, find the hidden eggs. 嘿!怪兽车出动,找到隐藏的彩蛋, Hidden surprise eggs, let’s go find them. 彩蛋在哪里?快来找一找。 Start the engines, vroom, vroom. 发动引擎,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家出发找彩蛋。 Let’s move, let’s move, vroom, vroom. 快速向前,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家一起找彩蛋。 I just found the blue egg. 找到一个蓝色彩蛋, Let’s open it and look inside. 打开看看装了什么? So many many round balloons. 有好多好多的气球, Let’s all have fun, everyone. 大家一起玩得好开心。 Hey, monster cars, find the hidden eggs. 嘿!怪兽车出动,找到隐藏的彩蛋, Hidden surprise eggs, let’s go find them. 彩蛋在哪里?快来找一找。 Start the engines, vroom, vroom. 发动引擎,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家出动找彩蛋。 Let’s move, let’s move, vroom, vroom. 快速向前,轰轰轰轰~ Everyone, let’s find the eggs. 大家一起找彩蛋。 I just found a special egg. 找到一个超级彩蛋, Such a large special egg. 一个特别大的超级彩蛋, Are you ready, everyone? 看看里面装了什么? Let’s open it and look inside. 大家一起把它打开。 In the special egg, it’s Monster Car. 怪兽小汽车,躲在彩蛋里, Surprise! All my friends! 超级大惊喜, Everybody laughs. 大家哈哈笑。 ​