【安全我知道】居家防震安全:Earthquake Safety at Home

【安全我知道】居家防震安全:Earthquake Safety at Home

2019-09-04    02'00''

主播: 宝宝巴士

88905 187

"【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Ready for the earthquake, 做好防震准备, you’ll be safe when it comes. 地震来了才安全。 Large bookshelves and tall wardrobes. 大大的书架、高高的柜子, Hey, nails and hammers, come and help us, please. 嘿!锤子和钉子,快来帮帮忙。 Bang, bang, thump, thump, fix them to the wall. 铿铿锵锵~全都固定好。 Ready for the earthquake, 做好防震准备, you’ll be safe when it comes. 地震来了才安全。 Large bookshelves and tall wardrobes. 大大的书架、高高的柜子, Heavy things and fragile vases. 重重的物品、易碎的花瓶, One by one, let’s arrange them all. 一个接一个,全部都收好。 Ready for the earthquake, 做好防震准备, you’ll be safe when it comes. 地震来了才安全。 Thick soled slippers, they protect your feet. 厚厚的拖鞋,保护你的脚, Thick soled slippers, put them on everyday. 厚厚的拖鞋,天天穿上它。 Thump, thump, thump, thump, for your safety. 砰 砰 砰 砰~为了你的安全。 Ready for the earthquake, 做好防震准备, you’ll be safe when it comes. 地震来了才安全。 Under the big table, it is safe. 大大的桌子下面,是安全的。 Hold on to the legs of it, when the ground is shaking. 晃动的时候,抓住桌子脚, Shaking, when it’s shaking, cover your head. 地震来时,保护好你的头部。 Ready for the earthquake, 做好防震准备, you’ll be safe when it comes. 地震来了才安全。 Beep, beep, we have an emergency bag. 哔哔~哔哔~还有避难包, Put Water and food, and a whistle in the bag. 把重要的水、食物和口哨放进袋子, All ready? OK. We are not afraid. 一切准备OK!地震我不怕。"