【救援队出动】地震救援:Rescue People From the Earthquake

【救援队出动】地震救援:Rescue People From the Earthquake

2019-10-10    01'48''

主播: 宝宝巴士

83863 176

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 MIMI, hide ! Under the table ! 蜜蜜!快!躲到桌子下面! It’s an earthquake, everything is shaking. 地震来了 大地摇呀摇, The house is falling down. Crash, boom, bang! 楼房倒塌 轰隆隆隆隆。 We are trapped in here. It’s dark and scary. 我们被困在这里,又黑又吓人, Help, Super Rescue Team! Come save us ! 救命,奇妙救援队 快救我。 Mom, it’s so dark. I can’t see anything. 妈妈,这里好黑,我什么也看不见。 Don’t worry. Super Rescue Team will be here soon. 别害怕,奇妙救援队马上就来救我们了。 It’s an earthquake. Everything is shaking. 地震来了 大地摇呀摇, The house fell down and people are trapped. 楼房倒塌 有人被困住。 Hey, Super Rescue Team, it’s time to move out. 嘿!奇妙救援队 马上就出发, Everyone, on the bus, let’s go now ! 大家快上车 向前飞。 (Go!) Mom, I heard something outside. 妈妈,外面好像有声音! It must be Super Rescue Team. 一定是奇妙救援队来了! MIMI, blow your whistle. Maybe they can hear you. 咪咪,快吹响你的哨子,这样他们就能听到了。 OK ! 好! Somewhere over there, someone is whistling. 远远的地方 有人在吹口哨, Listen carefully and take a look around. 仔细听 在哪个方向。 Don’t worry, the Rescue Team is coming for you. 别担心,奇妙救援队会找到你, Please stay calm, we’ll save you. 请保持冷静,我们会救出你的。 It’s an aftershock ! Be careful, everyone ! 有余震,大家小心! Hey, strong Work Bus. We need your help. 嘿!工程巴士 我们需要你的帮助, Please move away this big big rock. 请把巨大的石头搬起来。 Hey, flying Heli Bus. We need your help. 嘿!直升机巴士 我们需要你的帮助, Please lift away this heavy board. 请把重重木板 吊起来。 Please lift away this heavy board. 请把重重木板 吊起来。