

2017-07-23    12'16''

主播: Johnlau330

88 2

更多精彩内容,欢迎关注公众号【qinzi66english】亲子英语朗读 Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, and doesn&`&t know where to find them. Leave them alone, and they&`&ll come home, wagging their tails behind them. 小波比,丢了羊, 不知该去哪里找。 别担心,别管他, 它们自己找回家, 摇着身后的尾巴。 Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep, and dreamt she heard them bleating; But when she awoke she found it a joke, for still they were a-fleeting. 小波比,打个盹, 梦见羊咩咩叫; 睁开眼睛瞧一瞧 原来这是个玩笑, 小绵羊,见不着。 Found them, indeed, but it made her heart bleed, for they&`&d left their tails behind them! 找到了,没有错 可是小波好心痛 小绵羊的尾巴呢? 一个一个全丢下! It happened one day, as Bo-Peep did stray to a meadow hard by, there she espied their tails side by side. All hung on a tree to dry! 小波比,四处找, 一天来到牧场前, 看见绵羊的尾巴 一条一条挂树上! She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye and ran over hill and dale, oh. And tried what she could as a shepherdess should, to tack to each sheep its tail, oh. 小波比,深吸气, 擦干泪,翻山谷, 噢。 牧羊女,竭全力, 为绵羊,缝尾巴 噢。 Little Bo-Peep no more did weep; My tale of tails ends here. Each cat has one, But sheep have none; Which, after all, is queer! 小波比,不再哭, 尾巴故事已结束。 猫儿的尾巴长长, 绵羊的尾巴短短, 这个世界真奇妙!