A happy school of little fish lived in a corner of the sea somewhere. They were all red. Only one of them was as black as a mussel shell. He swam faster than his brothers and sisters. His name was Swimmy. 在大海的深处,有一个小鱼们的快乐天堂,它们都是红色的,只有一只的颜色像蚌壳一样黑黑的,它游得比它的兄弟姊妹更快,它的名字叫做——小黑鱼。
One bad day a tunna fish, swift, fierce and very hungry, came darting through the waves. In one gulp he swallowed all the little red fish. Only Swimmy escaped.有一天,这群小红鱼都被可怕的大鲔鱼一口吃掉了,只有小黑鱼逃过一劫。
He swam away in the deep wet world. He was scared, lonely, and very sad.它在深邃的大海里游荡,心里感到害怕、很孤独,也很悲伤。
The sea was full of wonderful creatures, and as he swam from marvel. Swimmy was happy again. 虽然一下子变得孤独与无助,但是小黑鱼并不退缩;反而勇敢地面对逆境,让它有机会去见识大海的其他生物。
He saw a medusa made of rainbow jelly. 它看見一个由彩虹果冻組成的水母。
A lobster, who walked about like a water-moving machine...看到一只龙虾,它走起路来好像一个在水中移动的机器……
He saw some strange fish, pulled by an invisible thread...小黑鱼看到一些奇特的鱼,好像被隐形的线拉住……
a forest of seaweeds growing from sugar-candy rocks... 它看到了从糖果般的石头长出来像一座森林的海藻……
an eel whose tail was almost too far away to remember... 一只尾巴好长好长,已经记不得有多长的海鳗……
and sea anemones, who looked like pink palm trees swaying in the wind. 海葵看起来好像是随风摇曳的粉红色棕榈树。
Then, hidden in the dark shade of rocks and weeds, he saw a school of little fish, just like his own. "Let&`&s go and swim and play and SEE things!" he said happily.
"We can&`&t," said the little red fish. "The big fish will eat us all."
"But you can&`&t just lie there," said Swimmy. "We must THINK of something."
小黑鱼说:“但是你们不能只是躲在这里, 我们一定要想一些办法!”
Swimmy thought and thought and thought. Then suddenly he said, "I have it!"
"We are going to swim all together like the biggest fish in the sea!"
He taught them to swim close together, each in his own place, 它教大家各就各位,游在一起,
and when they had learned to swim like one giant fish, he said, "I&`&ll be the eye." 小红鱼们终于学会游在一起扮成一只超级大红鱼,小黑鱼说:“我来当鱼的眼睛。”
And so they swam in the cool morning water and in the midday sun and chased the big fish away. 就这样,它们在清凉的早晨游,在明媚的中午游,最后把大鱼们都吓跑了!