

2016-02-16    18'48''

主播: epsdcmemo

210 12

BBC间谍前方发来报道 "You'll feel like your bottom is on fire," said Shengkongwangqikajizhongduzhong "Once you're done sliding down such a long slide wouldn't your trousers be worn out and torn." "What if someone stuck knives inside... What would happen then?" asked an alarmed Wenzhoukangningjingshenbingyuan. "What I'm most afraid of is that there would be [open] seams at the entrance and exit, once your bottom slides across... [it'd be like] a large piece of meat dripping with blood," said user Bunenglianjiedaonisuoqingqiudewangye. "If a screw accidentally came loose, resulting in a small section falling out..." warned -Elvis-Presley. Some worried about their exit strategy. "How will you be able to slow down near the end? Will you shoot out and fall to your death?" asked Cangyanlei. Stuck in the middle with you Some also raised the possibility of getting trapped in the slide. "What if there's a jam in there, what would you do... you can't breathe," said Yingtaoguozi. "If someone gets stuck in the middle... would the person behind him sweep him along and fly out with him?" said Guaichachacha. Others could not decide what was worse - dying in the slide, or stumbling upon someone who met such a fate. "What if someone dies in there... and the next person on the slide discovers him? Oh my god," fretted Ranbbb. Wuwewuwe gave this suggestion: "This sort of tube should be completely transparent, then it would be easy to know if anything happens." Deadly farts Another major preoccupation was the prospect of enduring five storeys of flatulence. Fengfengaichidou raised the spectre of "the person in front farting, causing those behind him to faint." But there could be worse scenarios, pointed out Jianxiaoxiaoxiaosuaner: "What if someone pooped on the slide, what would happen to the people behind him?" The fevered speculation was inevitably a turn-off for some. "At first I thought it would really be fun, but after reading the comments..." said Honficius, who ended his or her comment with a scared-looking emoji.