Colorful Turkey 缤纷土耳其

Colorful Turkey 缤纷土耳其

2019-09-24    29'14''

主播: 刘凯老师

124 0

Colorful Turkey 缤纷土耳其 Awaken your senses in this nation that straddles two continents! Captivating, bustling Istanbul is East-meets-West, cosmopolitan-meets-antiquities and a bevy of street carts selling Turkish sesame-coated“simit”[the] pretzel bagels. Here’s where my entire trip starts, after a nonstop 13-hour flight on Turkish Airlines from Los Angeles. I’m pampered at the exquisite Ciragan Palace Kempinski hotel, the marbled, chandeliered onetime home of Ottoman Empire rulers and dating back to the 17th century. How cool is this: Turkey straddles two continents, so I relax on my balcony in [an] imperial hotel, which is located in Europe, and stare across the glistening Bosphorus Strait at Turkey in Asia. 唤醒你的感官来体验这个横跨欧亚两大陆的国家! 魅力十足,熙熙攘攘的伊斯坦布尔,是东西相会、古今交融之地,一群街头摊贩兜售裹着芝麻的土耳其式椒盐百吉饼。我从洛杉矶搭13个小时直飞的土耳其航班来到伊斯坦布尔,就此展开旅程。 我在精致高雅的塞拉宫凯宾斯基酒店备受悉心款待,这里铺着大理石、挂着水晶灯,又曾是奥斯曼帝国苏丹的宫殿,历史可追溯到17世纪。 超级酷炫的是因为土耳其跨越欧亚两大陆,当我倚靠在位于欧洲境内、前身为帝国宫殿的酒店阳台,远眺闪闪发亮的博斯普鲁斯海峡的对岸时,看到的是亚洲的土耳其。