Career Questions and Answers职业生涯问与答

Career Questions and Answers职业生涯问与答

2019-10-11    19'10''

主播: 刘凯老师

156 0

Career Career Questions and Answers职业生涯问与答 Keys that could help you have a more fulfilling career 几个关键,让你的职业生涯更充实 Questions to ask yourself before sending a resume It seems like simple advice: Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day of your life.For many of you, that statement makes perfect sense because you truly are happy at work. But for other people, your optimism about finding that perfect gig has been shattered. Every job began with,"This might be the one," and ended with either "It's okay," or [something]worse. If you're in this second category, you're not alone. A lot of people hate their jobs. There's no joy, no purpose and no excitement. Are all workplaces really that bad, or could it be that you're choosing jobs for the wrong reasons? Ask yourself these questions: 1. Are you simply escaping your current situation? While there's nothing worse than being unhappy in any relationship, don't rush into another bad relationship. Consider all the things you don't like about your current situation and make sure you’re not applying to a situation that is the same or even worse. 2. Do you actually like what you do? Ask yourself how you'd really like to spend your days. If the answer is something opposite of what you're doing, seek a new career. 3. Does your future path lead in the right direction? Prestige and position might feel important, but if you're no longer doing what you love to do, you might be making a wrong move. 4. What impact does the salary have on your life? A new company may offer you more dollars. But, you need to consider how much that increase in pay will truly change your life, especially if your time and energy are consumed by something less desirable than what you do today. 5. Do you connect with the company's values? Don't be willing to sell certain aspects of yourself for a short-term gain. Find out if the organization shares your values. 6. Where can you offer the most value? Find the place where your skills, talents, personality and knowledge create the most value for the organization, and all of the rest will follow. Right perspective It's easy to assume the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But, the grass is always the greenest when you go into any job with your own water, seed, and sunshine. Surefire steps to getting ahead at work Early in my career,I hired a sales rep named Ethan. Ethan was bright and likable, but he consistently underperformed. After about a year of struggle, he asked me how he could improve. I wrote him an email explaining [some] things that I thought were holding him back: 1. He treated his work like a job instead of a career. A job is what you do to pay the bills this month. A career is what you choose to spend your life on. 2. He was ambivalent about his craft. Ethan did the bare minimum to survive. 3. He had a middling work ethic. Great employees arrive at the office early and leave late. They do whatever it takes to accomplish their objectives. Ethan, in contrast, counted the hours until it was time to go home. 4. He wasn't serious about life. It's easy to float through life without realizing it. We become masters of killing time. For a great employee, killing time is akin to murder. 5. His persona was sloppy. Great employees have carefully crafted professional personas. Ethan had a definite slacker vibe, so much so that it struck you in person and over the phone. 6. He played fast and loose with the rules. The minimum [great employees] demand of themselves exceeds company demands. Ethan followed company rules at a level that would keep him from getting fired. 7. He expected too little of himself. Great employees expect more of themselves than their bosses do. 8. He had no personal vision. Great employees craft a personal vision, then align that vision with their company's vision. 9. He didn't see himself as an owner. Great employees develop an ownership mentality toward the company they work for. Ethan refused to see himself as anything but a paycheck. There was no urgency in his performance, no sense that his choices mattered. Life-changing advice Years later, [Ethan] told me[my advice] changed his life. He left sales to follow his passion and now owns a thriving business. If you find yourself struggling to find meaning and joy in your work, take a good hard look inward. The answers you're seeking are probably closer than you think. Three strategies that will help stop burn-out from hitting you hard It’s no secret that entrepreneurs work extremely hard, sometimes to the point of burn-out. As an entrepreneur, you’re responsible for everything. It can be downright exhausting. So what do you do when one day you realize that you’re experiencing burn-out? Identify the pain points in your business. When you're working nonstop to build a sustainable business, it's hard to be objective about your shortcomings and any pains that your business may be experiencing. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.Take the time to sit down, pinpoint the pains in your business and decide what you're going to do from there. Separate work and personal obligations. Work-life balance doesn't truly exist either in the corporate world or in entrepreneurship. Don't buy into the hype of "work whenever and wherever you want." Look objectively at your day. If too much overlap is an issue, you have to create some separation. Knowing when you can shut work down and focus on other aspects of your life helps prevent the kind of overwhelm [circumstances] that lead to burn-out and exhaustion. While you may never achieve perfect balance, maintaining some distance between your work and life can give you breathing room. Stop working by yourself all of the time. Many entrepreneurs find that working [alone] regularly can cause loneliness and burn-out. Coworking spaces have become all the rage, so consider working at one of those. Try being a part-time entrepreneur. Many people are working full-time but also pursuing their business passions on the side. These people are just as much an entrepreneur as those who do it full-time. They also get the perks of both a stable income and work they're passionate about. Don’t let burn-out win! Entrepreneurship can take a lot out of you. But there are ways to manage your dreams of being the boss without causing burn-out in the process. No matter what you decide, the lessons that you've learned as an entrepreneur will stick with you for the rest of your life. 以上文章翻译及讲解有刘凯老师完成 作者简介:刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为华中师范大学汉语言文学。美国亚利桑那大学访问学者,澳大利亚新兰威尔士大学ESL研修。2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者。北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参与东城区模拟试题命题工作,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文获市区级奖项。教育部课题研究员,参与国家十二五课题计划,并作出突出贡献,参与初中、高中各年级区级试题的命制,多次承担区级和市级研究课任务。