Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 85)
6. Visitors(1)
I THINK THAT I LOVE SOCIETY as much as most, and am ready enough to fasten[ˈfaːsn] myself like a bloodsucker for the time to any full-blooded man that comes in my way. I am naturally no hermit, but might possibly sit out the sturdiest frequenter[frɪˈkwentə] of the bar-room, if my business called me thither[ˈðɪðə].
[2] I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized[ɪ'kɒnəmaɪzt] the room by standing up. It is surprising how many great men and women a small house will contain. I have had twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, at once under my roof, and yet we often parted without being aware that we had come very near to one another.// Many of our houses, both public and private, with their almost innumerable apartments, their huge halls and their cellars for the storage of wines[waɪns] and other munitions[mjuːˈnɪʃəns] of peace, appear to be extravagantly[ɪkˈstrævəɡəntlɪ] large for their inhabitants. They are so vast and magnificent that the latter seem to be only vermin[ˈvɜːmɪn] which infest them. I am surprised when the herald[ˈherəld] blows his summons before some Tremont or Astor or Middlesex House, to see come creeping out over the piazza[pɪˈætsə] for all inhabitants a ridiculous mouse[maʊs], which soon again slinks into some hole in the pavement.