瓦尔登湖三人行(122)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(16) 腾讯会议版

瓦尔登湖三人行(122)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(16) 腾讯会议版

2021-11-16    67'04''

主播: 古卫东

149 0

2021年11月16日 星期二 瓦尔登湖三人行(122)直播实况录制 晚8:00——9:00 文本 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 122) 9. The Ponds (16) [28] Flint's, or Sandy Pond, in Lincoln, our greatest lake and inland sea, lies about a mile east of Walden. It is much larger, being said to contain one hundred and ninety-seven acres, and is more fertile in fish; but it is comparatively shallow, and not remarkably pure. A walk through the woods thither was often my recreation. It was worth the while, if only to feel the wind blow on your cheek freely, and see the waves run, and remember the life of mariners[ˈmærɪnəs]. I went a-chestnutting there in the fall, on windy days, when the nuts were dropping into the water and were washed to my feet; and one day, as I crept along its sedgy shore, the fresh spray blowing in my face, I came upon the mouldering wreck of a boat, the sides gone, and hardly more than the impression of its flat bottom left amid[əˈmɪd] the rushes; yet its model was sharply defined, as if it were a large decayed pad, with its veins. It was as impressive a wreck as one could imagine on the seashore, and had as good a moral. It is by this time mere vegetable mould and undistinguishable pond shore, through which rushes and flags have pushed up. I used to admire the ripple marks on the sandy bottom, at the north end of this pond, made firm and hard to the feet of the wader[ˈweɪdə] by the pressure of the water, and the rushes which grew in Indian file, in waving lines, corresponding to these marks, rank behind rank, as if the waves had planted them. There also I have found, in considerable quantities, curious balls, composed apparently of fine grass or roots, of pipewort perhaps, from half an inch to four inches in diameter, and perfectly spherical[ˈsferɪkl]. These/ wash back and forth in shallow water on a sandy bottom, and are sometimes cast on the shore. They are either['aɪðə(r)] solid grass, or have a little sand in the middle. At first you would say that they were formed by the action of the waves, like a pebble; yet the smallest are made of equally coarse materials, half an inch long, and they are produced only at one season of the year. Moreover, the waves, I suspect, do not so much construct as wear down a material which has already acquired consistency. They preserve their form when dry/ for an indefinite period. 弗林特湖,或者叫沙湖,在林肯郡,是我们最大的湖泊和内陆海,躺在瓦尔登湖以东一英里。它要大得多,据说有一百九十七英亩,鱼类更富饶,但是相对较浅,也不太纯净。在那里的林中散步是我经常的消遣。哪怕到那里感受一下风自由地吹在你的脸颊,去看看灯心草,和追忆一下水手们的生活也是值得的。我去那里是秋天的时候采坚果,是在有风的日子,当坚果落进水里被冲到我的脚前;一天,当我在它蓑衣草丛生的岸边匍匐而行,那新鲜的水花直喷到我的脸上,我碰到一艘船的腐烂的残骸,边儿都没了,顶多就是平平的船底在灯心草里;可是船的形状还很明显,仿佛它是一个大大的衰了的托子,有着自己的脉管。它给人印象就是不禁联想到海边残骸,曾经活生生在海上。这下仅成了植物的模子在这不出名的湖岸,通过它灯心草和菖蒲奔突而出。我常常钦佩沙底那些浪的印痕,在这湖的北端,由于水的压力,在涉水者的脚下变得结实和坚硬,而那些灯心草成单列,波浪状,配合着这些印痕,一排有一排,像是波浪种植了它们。在这里我还发现数量不少的奇怪的圆球,明显是由细草或也许是谷精草的根组成,从直径一英寸到四英寸不等,圆溜溜的。这些圆球在有一个沙底的浅水里荡来荡去,时而被甩上岸。它们或是结结实实的草,或中间裹一点沙。初看去你会说它们是由波浪的运动形成的,像一块卵石;可是最小的圆球也是由同样粗糙的材料组成,半英寸长,它们都是在一年的同一个季节产出来的。再加上,我怀疑,波浪与其说在建造不如说是损耗那已得到的坚实度。它们成形是在某个不确定干燥的时期。