瓦尔登湖三人行(130)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(5)腾讯版

瓦尔登湖三人行(130)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(5)腾讯版

2021-12-07    63'01''

主播: 古卫东

179 3

瓦尔登湖三人行(130)直播实况录制 2021年12月6日星期一 晚8:00——9:00 文本 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 130) 10. Baker Farm (5) [4] "Do you ever fish?" I asked. "Oh yes, I catch a mess now and then when I am lying by; good perch I catch. - "What's your bait?" "I catch shiners with fishworms, and bait the perch with them." "You'd better go now, John," said his wife, with glistening and hopeful face; but John demurred[dɪˈmɜː]. [5] The shower was now over, and a rainbow above the eastern woods promised a fair evening; so I took my departure. When I had got without/ I asked for a drink, hoping to get a sight of the well bottom, to complete my survey of the premises; but there, alas[əˈlæs]! are shallows and quicksands, and rope broken withal, and bucket irrecoverable. Meanwhile the right culinary[ˈkʌlɪnərɪ] vessel was selected, water was seemingly distilled, and after consultation and long delay passed out to the thirsty one - not yet suffered to cool, not yet to settle./// Such gruel[ˈɡruːəl] sustains life here, I thought; so, shutting my eyes, and excluding the motes by a skilfully directed undercurrent, I drank to genuine hospitality the heartiest draught I could. I am not squeamish[ˈskwiːmɪʃ] in such cases when manners are concerned. “你钓鱼吗?”我问。“噢,是的,我不忙的时候经常能逮到好多;都是上好的鲈鱼。——”“你用什么饵?”“我用蚯蚓逮银鱼,再用银鱼逮鲈鱼。”“现在该干活去了,约翰。”她老婆说,闪着油光光和希望的脸;可是约翰抗议。 现在雨停了,在东边林子上方挂着的彩虹/昭示一个美好的夜晚;于是我动身离开。出门后我向他们讨杯水喝,当时满指望一瞥那井底,来完成对这一带的完整考察;可是这里,哎呀!尽是些浅滩和流沙;而且绳子也烂掉了,水桶也无法挽回。这当儿/合适的厨房烹饪容器在被选定,水/被蒸馏,经商量和长时间拖延递给了那口渴的人——也不等着凉了,也不淀一淀。///这种稀粥一样的水里/含着这里的生活,我想;于是眼睛一闭,用一种熟练技巧控制住暗流荡开那些浮渣,出于全心全意的友好,尽我所能畅饮了一大口,考虑到礼貌/这时候我可不能吐。