Gold in Them Hills——我们都应找寻太阳

Gold in Them Hills——我们都应找寻太阳

2016-08-31    03'31''

主播: 哈尔左耳

1551 24

I know it doesn't seem that way 我知道生活看上去没有那么完美 But maybe it's the perfect day 但也许这真的是完美的一天 Even though the bills are piling 当你流离失所 And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling 幸运女神不对你展开笑颜 But if we'd only open our eyes 但倘若我们睁开双眼 We'd see the blessings in disguise 我们会在迷雾中看到祝福 That all the rain clouds are fountains 倾盆大雨竟是春天的甘露 Though our troubles seem like mountains 障碍重重却也充满了希望 There's gold in them hills 生活暗藏玄机 There's gold in them hills 却从未把你抛弃 So don't lose heart 所以不要灰心 Give the day a chance to start 从头再来,万象更新 Every now and then life says 生活总在告诉你 要小心翼翼 Where do you think you're going so fast 你以为你急匆匆地,是要去哪里呢 We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes 不愿意默默无闻的你觉得这很残忍 It's a case of cruel to be kind 残酷也是一种温柔 And if we'd get up off our knees 如果我们挺直身躯 Why then we'd see the forest for the trees 我们又怎会将树木当做森林 And we'd see the new sun rising 我们就能见到新的朝阳高升 Over the hills on the horizon 越过视野尽头的山丘 There's gold in them hills 生活暗藏玄机 There's gold in them hills 生活暗藏玄机 So don't lose faith 所以,不要失去信仰 Give the world a chance to say... 让世界有个机会去诉说 A word or two, my friend 说一两句话,我的朋友 There's no telling how the day might end 日子到头来如何,谁也无法述说 And we'll never know until we see 我们还没有见到,又怎能预先看破 That there's gold in them hills 生活暗藏玄机 There's gold in them hills 生活暗藏玄机 So don't lose heart 所以不要灰心 Give the day a chance to start 从头再来,万象更新 There's gold in them hills... 生活暗藏玄机 There's gold in them hills... 生活暗藏玄机