

2015-11-25    06'10''

主播: 主播阿Guy

1969 93

The Guanghzhou Auto Show, one of China's biggest auto shows, is getting underway. Domestic and foreign players in the auto market are taking part in the event, putting the spotlight on SUVs. 中国最大的车展之一的广州车展正在进行中。国内外汽车爱好者将参加此次车展,关注运动型多功能车。 Yale Zhang, Automotive Foresight's Managing Director, says many auto brands, such as Ford's Everest and Great Wall Motor Co's Haval H7, have shifted their focus to larger SUVs, especially since China scrapped the one-child policy: 汽车预测市场总监张豫说道,许多汽车品牌,例如福特珠峰和长城汽车的哈弗H7,尤其当中国取消了独生子女政策,都将重心转向了更大型的运动型多功能车。 We clearly see a lot of families want to shift from sedans to SUVs because of their safety, comfort and also bigger room. Because now you will have a family, you have a child, you know SUV obviously is better. Even if you have two kids, SUV looks better than a sedan. So this is one of the reason why SUV in China is very popular and still growing. “我们明白很多家庭的选择会从轿车转向运动型多功能汽车,因为其安全性,舒适性与更大的空间。因为现在你有家庭,有孩子,你显然清楚运动型多功能汽车更好。即使你有两个孩子,运动型多功能汽车看起来比轿车更好。所以这也是为什么运动型多功能汽车在中国非常流行,而且需求还在不断增长的原因。” In the year through October, sales of SUVs surged 46 percent year-on-year in a broader market that grew 1.5 percent. 今年前10个月, 汽车市场销量增长了1.5%,运动型多功能汽车销量较上年同期上涨46%。 According to Automotive Foresight, a market and industry research company, 32 new SUV models are expected to be released in China for 2015. 据市场和行业研究公司汽车前瞻,2015年将在中国发布32款新运动型多功能汽车。 Wu Song, General Manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC Motor), says he expects Chinese brands will hit a big growth in the auto market next year, despite the country's slowest economic growth in decades: 广汽集团(GAC汽车)总经理武松表示,尽管国家经济增长十分缓慢,但他预计明年汽车市场上中国的品牌将大增: Next year the speed of the Chinese auto market's growth will be roughly the same as this year.I estimate it will also be a small increase. But the structure of consumption will undergo a deep change, like it has this year. From January to October the market grew six percent, but for Chinese brands the growth was higher. So I think next year the car market will grow by ten percent or less, I'd estimate at the level of five to six percent, “明年中国汽车市场的增长速度将与今年大致相同。我估计这也将是小幅增加。但消费结构将与今年一样发生深刻变化,1月到10月市场增长了6%,但中国的品牌增长更高。因此,我认为,明年的汽车市场将增长10%或以下,我估计在5-6%阶段。” Meanwhile, China's official stats show that car prices dropped 3.4 percent in the first nine months of this year, out pacing the 1.2 percent decline for passenger vehicles overall. 同时,中国官方数据表示今年前9个月汽车价格下降了3.4%,超过乘用车1.2%的下滑。 HIS Automotive, an interests group for car manufacturers, predicts car sales growth is expected to slip to 11 percent next year. 汽车制造商的利益集团,思迈汽车信息咨询公司预测明年汽车销售增幅将下滑11%。 Analysts at Fitch Ratings, an international ratings agency, warns that new SUVs will have a tougher time commanding fat profit margins they may have enjoyed in recent years. 国际评级机构,惠誉国际信用评级有限公司的分析师提醒道新型运动型多功能车获得近几年那样的丰厚利润将变得更加困难。 Automotive Foresight's Yale Zhang, however, disagrees, saying there is still room for growth in the Chinese market, especially in big cities: 然而汽车预测市场总监张豫并不同意,说道中国市场仍有增长的空间,尤其是在大城市: The market actually slow down a little bit this year because of the economy and also the stock market crisis. But overall the market has not really been saturated. It probably is in some larger cities, but in the majority of China cities there are plenty of room for the automobiles to grow further, “由于经济股市危机,今年市场确实放慢了一点,但市场大体还没有真正饱和,一些大城市可能是这样,但中国大多数城市仍有着汽车进一步发展的空间。 Carmakers like Volkswagen have expressed eagerness to expand investment in the Chinese market, with six new locally made models to be launched in the next three to four years. 汽车制造商们,例如大众都表示渴望在中国市场扩大投资,今后的3到4年将推出6款新型本地制造车。