(VOL.078)Interview Tips 面试小贴士(双语)

(VOL.078)Interview Tips 面试小贴士(双语)

2016-03-16    08'44''

主播: 主播阿Guy

8056 238

随着毕业季的到来,很多大四学生都开始忙着面试啦,今天我们要跟大家分享的是一些面试的小贴士。 These interview tips cover all the basics you need to know to ace a job interview. 下面给大家介绍的10个面试小贴士,如果你掌握了其中的诀窍,面试成功的几率将会大大提高。 Avoid Interview Mistakes 避免犯常见的面试错误 What shouldn&`&t you do when interviewing? Check out the most common job interview mistakes, blunders, and errors a candidate for employment can make. Then take the time to prepare before your interview, so you don&`&t have to stress afterwards. 面试过程中什么事情不该做?检查自己是否犯了面试者最常见的面试错误和失误。然后花点时间在面试前做好准备,这样在接下来的程序就不必感到压力巨大了。 Dress for Interview Success 着装符合面试规范 The first impression you make on a potential employer can make a big difference. The first judgement an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing. That&`&s why it&`&s always important to dress appropriately for a job interview. 给潜在雇主留下的第一印象至关重要。面试官所做出第一评判的标准就基于你的仪表。这也是为什么着装得体总是在面试中占据重要一环的原因。 Improve Your Interview Technique 提升面试技巧 A job interview gives you a chance to shine. What you say and do will either move you to the next round of consideration for employment or knock you out of contention. 求职面试给予你释放光芒的机会。你的言行举止要么让你晋级下一轮面试要么拖你的后腿。 Take the Time to Say Thank You 花点时间表达感谢 Taking the time to say thank you after a job interview not only is good interview etiquette, but also reinforces your interest in the position. Use your thank you letter, as well, to address any issues and concerns that came up during the interview. 在面试结束后花点时间向他人表达感谢不仅是非常得体的面试礼仪,还能巩固你对这个职位的兴趣。同时也可使用感谢信,在上面突出面试过程中遇到和关注的问题。 Practice Interviewing 练习面试 Taking the time to review typical interview questions you will probably be asked during a job interview will help give you a framework for your responses. It will also calm your frazzled nerves, because you won&`&t be scrambling for an answer while you&`&re in the interview hot seat. Practice interviewing with a friend or family member ahead of time and it will be much easier when you&`&re actually in a job interview. 花点时间复习那些经典的面试问题能够给你一个很好的回答框架。同时也能缓解疲惫的精神状态,因为你不再需要在面试过程中如坐针毡硬凑出一个答案。在参加面试前,找一位朋友或家庭成员进行模拟面试,这样在真正的面试过程中你就感到相当轻松了。 Use Your Contacts 利用自己的人脉 Who you know at the company you are interviewing with really does matter. 如果你认识一些这个职位所在的公司的朋友,确实会产生很大的作用。 Check Out the Company 多作资料收集 How much do you know about the company that just contacted you to schedule an interview? It should be plenty, and all the information you need is available online. 你对这家联系你参加面试的公司了解有多少?你得掌握充足的信息,而这些信息你都能在网上找到。 Prepare for a Phone Interview 准备电话面试 While you&`&re actively job searching, it&`&s important to be prepared for a phone interview on a moment&`&s notice. You never know when a recruiter or a networking contact might call and ask if you have a few minutes to talk. 如果你正积极地寻找工作,那么你也得准备好随时而来的电话面试。你永远都不知道招聘者或网络联系人会给你来电并询问你是否有空在电话里谈谈。 Handle a Group Interview 应对小组面试 Interviewing with one person is tough enough, but it&`&s even harder when you have to interview with a group (or panel) of interviewers. Well-prepared status will be always better than nothing prepared. 一对一的面试已经够难熬的了,但是小组式(或团体式)的面试就更困难了。准备充分永远比毫无准备来得有效。 Interview While Dining 餐桌面试 Taking you to breakfast, lunch, or dinner provides the interviewer with a chance to check out your communication and interpersonal skills, as well as your table manners, in a more casual environment than an office setting. 面试官要求与你共进早餐,午餐或晚餐,目的是想在办公场景以外相对随性的环境中测试你的沟通与处理人际关系能力,以及餐桌礼仪。