重生系列之#Tiktok Refugees占领小红书

重生系列之#Tiktok Refugees占领小红书

2025-01-15    07'52''

主播: 主播阿Guy

401 2

TikTok 危机剖析:美国以用户隐私和国家安全为借口,对 TikTok 下达禁令,1 月 19 日该应用即将在美国市场下架。即便已安装的用户,后续也无法获取安全更新,使用体验将大打折扣 。 用户迁移浪潮:1月13日大批美国 TikTok 用户和创作者纷纷 “转战” 中国短视频应用小红书(RedNote)。这一趋势使得小红书在美国 App Store 免费应用排行榜上强势登顶,热度飙升。 小红书深度解读:小红书于 2013 年上线,起初定位为购物平台,用户能在此分享产品体验与评价。随着发展,它融合了短视频和直播功能,逐渐成为综合性平台,常被比作中国版 Instagram。疫情期间,其在中国的用户数量猛增,如今已然成为 TikTok 的有力替代者。 跨文化互动亮点:在小红书上,美国用户积极分享自拍视频与照片,主动向中国朋友问好。中国网友则热情回应,不仅亲切交流,还分享英语作业,展示中国美食美景。这种互动充满趣味,生动展现了跨文化交流的独特魅力。 当下正是进行反向文化输出的好时机,期望通过这样的交流,让中国走向世界,也让世界更好地认识中国。 原文分享: The clock is ticking for TikTok, as the app is due to be shut down in the US on January 19—American TikTok users and creators are turning to another Chinese short-form video app known as Xiaohongshu, or RedNote in English. Why Is TikTok Being Banned In The US? TikTok is facing a US ban due to concerns over user privacy and national security, but the app could stick around if Chinese-owned parent company ByteDance agrees to sell TikTok to a US owner. ByteDance has indicated that it has no intention to sell the company, and if the ban goes through, the app will likely be removed from the App Store and Google’s Play Store. Users who installed the app before the impending ban will still be able to access TikTok, but will be cut off from future security updates, likely leading to the app degrading over time. Hence, several TikTok users have flocked to RedNote, leading to the app surging to the top of free apps in the US App Store. What Is RedNote? RedNote (Xiaohongshu translates to “Little Red Book”) launched in 2013, and was first designed as a shopping platform, where users could share product reviews and experiences. It’s not exactly a TikTok clone—RedNote is often thought of as the Chinese equivalent of Instagram, with some comparing the layout of the app to Pinterest. RedNote saw its Chinese-based userbase spike during the pandemic, mirroring the trajectory of TikTok in the US. The app’s growth led to a focus on short-form video and streaming, marking RedNote as a TikTok alternative. Now, many US TikTok creators are promoting RedNote to their followers, labelling themselves as #TikTokRefugees. Why Are TikTokers Flocking To RedNote? Much of the focus on RedNote could be viewed as a form of rebellion against the impending US ban. Many commentators noted the friendly relations between Chinese and US users on the videosharing app. 诚挚邀请:如果您觉得本期节目有趣又有料,不妨将它分享给身边的朋友,让更多人了解这场 TikTok 与小红书之间的 “风云变幻”。同时,也恳请您订阅我们的播客,这样您就能第一时间收到我们的最新内容,不错过任何精彩话题。期待在后续的节目中与您再次相遇!