【Ann精讲雅思口语】电脑改变生活 (July 13)

【Ann精讲雅思口语】电脑改变生活 (July 13)

2016-07-14    05'24''

主播: Woolwool

9382 456

音频包含:以下范例回答朗读、要点精讲、常见发音问题总结。 本音频配套文本笔记请见于公众号:【MissAnn英文课堂】。 ———————————— 【11月更新】 Ann老师网课定制辅导又开放招生啦~ 课程详询 【微信Monicayyang】。(加好友请注明“雅思一对一”,谢谢) 靠谱好课,亲民价格~ 名额有限手慢无哦~ ———————————— How have computers changed everyday life? Model Answer Well, I guess that twenty years ago, in my country, no one had a computer, and most companies didn&`&t own that many either. But in the last 10 years, computers have appeared in every household, and they have become indispensable(= essential) in the workplace. Most jobs require the use of a computer: if you work in an office, if you are a businessperson, if you teach, you need a computer to do your job.Even in most factories, the manufacturing machines are connected to a computer to keep track of the production. Doctors don&`&t handwrite anymore, they type their patients’ prescriptions to give them medicine; teachers plan their lessons on a computer and use PowerPoint to show graphs, pictures and other materials.