

2016-07-30    03'52''

主播: Lazarus弥生

1114 8

一个人的时光,是一种提纯~弥生 Sometimes, it is just fine to be alone. You can read as you like and sleep when tired. You can enjoy the quietness, go on a trip, or just stay at home if you don’t want to contact anyone. It is better to keep an attitude of appropriate cleanliness toward love. Never start at will, never compromise in hurry. What deserves most can not be got easily! There is bound to be a journey in life that needs you to walk alone. People shall enjoy a quiet life at first. If you are in full bloom, the butterflies will come to you by themselves. 一个人的状态挺好的,想看书了就看书,累了就睡觉,不想联系谁就自己安静一阵,出去旅行或是宅在家。 对爱情最好还是保持点儿洁癖,不要随便开始,不要急着妥协,真正值得的东西都不会那么轻易。 生活当中总有一段路是需要你独自前行的,人首先应该活的安静一点,你若盛开,蝴蝶自来。