婚礼篇- 传统,新娘结婚须带品:
Something old 旧的东西 ( 他姥姥的手提包,作为婚礼携包)
Something new 新的东西 ( 我的 Vera wang ;) 婚纱)
Something borrowed 借的东西 ( 还是她姥姥的提包,一包两用~ lol)
Something blue 蓝色的东西 ( garter 不知道意思的童鞋,自己查 lol) ; 下次会单独做一期关于garter的节目。敬请期待~
Take a look ~
Something old represents continuity; (延续性)
something new offers optimism for the future; (对未来美好期许)
something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness; (借来的幸福)
something blue stands for purity, love, and fidelity; (真爱&忠贞)
and a sixpence in your shoe is a wish for good fortune and prosperity, (财运亨通)although this remains largely a British custom.