

2018-06-14    02'20''

主播: 黑格子~

872 14

咳嗽才好一丢丢。。。练习练习 傲慢与偏见|第十一章节 [Mr. Darcy] was directly invited to join their party, but he declined it, observing that he could imagine but two motives for their choosing to walk up and down the room together, with either of which motives his joining them would interfere. […] [Miss Bingley] persevered therefore in requiring an explanation of his two motives. "I have not the smallest objection to explaining them," said he, as soon as she allowed him to speak. "You either choose this method of passing the evening because you are in each other&`&s confidence, and have secret affairs to discuss, or because you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage in walking; if the first, I would be completely in your way, and if the second, I can admire you much better as I sit by the fire." "Oh! shocking!" cried Miss Bingley. "I never heard anything so abominable. How shall we punish him for such a speech?" (11.11-16) 可惜彬格莱小姐遇到任何事情都不忍心叫达西先生失望,于是再三要求他非把他的所谓两个动机解释一下不可。   达西等她一住口,便马上说:“我非常愿意解释一下,事情不外乎是这样的,你们是心腹之交,所以选择了这个办法来消磨黄昏,还要谈谈私事,否则就是你们自以为散起步来体态显得特别好看,所以要散散步。倘若是出于第一个动机,我夹在你们一起就会妨碍你们;假若是出于第二个动机,那么我坐在火炉旁边可以更好地欣赏你们。”   “噢,吓坏人!”彬格莱小姐叫起来了。“我从来没听到过这么毒辣的话。……亏他说得出,该怎么罚他呀?”