傲慢与偏见 3D|配古典乐|第三十五章节

傲慢与偏见 3D|配古典乐|第三十五章节

2018-07-01    02'19''

主播: 黑格子~

842 7

"Your sister I also watched. Her look and manners were open, cheerful, and engaging as ever, but without any symptom of peculiar regard, and I remained convinced from the evening's scrutiny, that though she received his attentions with pleasure, she did not invite them by any participation of sentiment. If you have not been mistaken here, I must have been in error. Your superior knowledge of your sister must make the latter probable. If it be so, if I have been misled by such error to inflict pain on her, your resentment has not been unreasonable. But I shall not scruple to assert, that the serenity of your sister's countenance and air was such as might have given the most acute observer a conviction that, however amiable her temper, her heart was not likely to be easily touched." (35.3) 請原諒我這樣直言無諱,其實得罪了你,也使我自己感到難受。你的骨肉至親有了這些缺點,當然會使你感到難受,我這樣一說,當然會叫你更不高興,可是你只要想一想,你自己和你姐姐舉止优雅,人家非得沒有責難到你們倆頭上,而且對你們褒獎備至,還賞識你們倆的見識和個性,這對于你究竟還不失為一种安慰吧。
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