Where is Flash?| TIM | 傻不拉叽

Where is Flash?| TIM | 傻不拉叽

2018-07-22    06'24''

主播: 黑格子~

667 5

I actually don’t remember when or where Tim and I have met. But I guess like all things, it happens naturally over time. 我并不记得Tim与我在何时何地遇见的。随着时间与一起在简姨的直播间我们就成了朋友。 To me, like all Tim’s friend’s comments about him, he is kind. I think he is funny and sunny, most importantly he has a sensitive touch.像Tim的朋友们所描述,他是善良的。但是对我而言他又逗比又阳光。最重要的,他有一颗仔细的心。 最让我记得,泪,笑喷的是他在电子琴前唱着他的“童年”, 与他想着吃“豆腐”的绕口令。 You can be whatever you wish to be Tim. 你可以成为任何一个人(看看美国总统就知道了,怕啥)。 Embrace this world, fall in love, be hurt , be brave. 拥抱这个世界,去恋爱,疼了再站起来。 You have so much to offer. See ya when I next seeya mate!
上一期: I'm Upset|DRAKE
下一期: 给你的深夜喃语