

2020-06-13    08'35''

主播: 黑格子~

2847 19

更多 几个月后竟又感到敬畏。 How again after months there is awe. 一天中最私人的时刻, The most personal moment of the day 毫无征兆地出现。人们身着皮衣。 appears unannounced. People wear leather. 人们拒绝死去。有陌生人 People refuse to die. There are strangers 看上去知道你叫什么。 who look like they could know your name. 还有寒夜中的酒吧气味, And the smell of a bar on a cold night, 或者在你回家路上,不绝于耳的车辆声。 or the sound of traffic as it follows you home. 警笛声。派对。阳台护着我们。 Sirens. Parties. How balconies hold us. 不管什么是够,它都还没有到达。 Whatever enough is, it hasn’t arrived. 在某个沉寂的下午, And on some dead afternoon 在你很可能已经忘记的时候, when you’ll likely forget this, 你翻看着古董 as you browse through the vintage 一遍又一遍——这不就是 again and again—there it is, 每个人放弃的所有, what everyone’s given up 为了留在这里。宝石簪子, just to stay here. Jewelled hairpins, 划花的唱片,他们一闪而过的青春。 scratched records, their fast youth. 他们放弃这一切 Everything they’ve given up 就为了留在此处,找到更多。 to stay here and find more. 作者 / [美] 亚历克斯·季米特洛夫 翻译 / 马丁格