

2016-01-26    22'25''

主播: 单词极客5184词

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《单词极客》共5184词,A32段任务: attend [ətɛnd] v. 参加 attendance [ətɛndəns] n. 参加人数 attendant [ətɛndənt] n. 服务员 attention [ətɛnʃən] n. 注意力 attic [ætɪk] n. 阁楼 attitude [ætɪtʊd] n. 态度 attract [ətrækt] v. 吸引 attraction [ətrækʃən] n. 吸引力 attractive [ə'træktɪv] adj.吸引人的 从上一段的企图(),想到企图去参加()一个免费的演唱会。但是参加人数()已满,只好趁服务员()松懈注意力()的时候,偷跑进会场阁楼(),演唱者认真的态度()吸引()群众,那吸引力()让人目不转睛,是一场非常吸引人的()表演。 Attend v. 参加 Attendance n. 参加人数 Attendant n. 服务员 两个名词后缀:ance ant构成。。人,如:accountant会计servant仆人,佣人 1、Attend v. 参加 attend a meeting/party/game 也可以不用直接加宾语 How many people/students will be attending?这堂课会有多少人/同学参加? attend =help /care for表示帮忙,照顾,照料 the nurse attends 20 patients,护士要照顾20个病人。 词组:attend to sb/sth 照顾某人,处理某事。 I must attend to some business. 我必须去处理点事情attend to some business =deal with sth attend to the guests接待客人 The hotel staff attended to my every need. 2、Attendance n. 参加人数 There was a small attendance at the class.参加人数不是很多 There was a large/small attendance. 有很多或很少人参加 大学期间除了考试成绩还有考核什么? Attendance可以用来表示出勤率 her scores are good, but how is her attendance?她的成绩很好,但是出勤率呢? The teacher takes attendance every day老师每天都查岗。 attendance 出勤率 the attendance of the class relates to your scholarship 名词前面加介词作动词用法 in attendance 出席 A number of celebrities were in attendance.许多名人出席了。 there were 20 persons in attendance the party last week. A number of celebrities were in attendance.许多名人出席了。 3、Attendant n. 服务员 ant 构成。。。人的名词,ance 一般是构成。。。物或者事情的名词 Attendant =an assistant or servant 助理,服务员。 gas station attendants 加油站服务员 parking attendant停车场服务员 flight attendant空乘服务员 a bride and her attendants 新娘和她的伴娘 attendants 伴娘或伴郎 4、Attention n. 注意力 Pay attention, please. Pay attention to this words/sentences.May I have your attention, please. pay attention to通常人主动注意某人某事用sb pay attention to sb/sth 如果某事需要我们注意力集中的话,常用到require, require attention to My job requires careful attention to detail.我的工作需要把注意力放在细节上。 focus one&`&s attention on把注意力集中在。。。 We focused our attention on this particular poem.我们把注意力放在这首诗歌上面。 focus your attention on this important test 还可以用have one’s attention, attract one’s attention 5、Attic n. 阁楼 谐音:“爱啼歌” 喜欢在阁楼唱歌 He likes to sleep at attic, 6、Attitude n. 态度 titude 谐音“态度” 对。。。的态度,常用to/toward这2个介词, Attitude toward death Attitude to money你对于钱的态度 What&`&s your attitude to/toward death/her/him/money/this problem? What&`&s you attitude about the changes? 关于这些变化你有什么想法? a good/bad attitude 好的/坏的态度 7、Attract v. 吸引 8、Attraction n. 吸引力 9、Attractive adj. 吸引人的 这三个单词在造句上可以互相换着用的。 The beautiful girl attracts our attention especially the boys I am attracted by a beautiful girl.动词 The beautiful girl has an attraction to me.名词 She is an attractive girl 形容词 7、Attract v. 吸引 一般就是主动用法或者被动用法。 Her bright blue eyes attracted me. I was attracted by her bright blue eyes Attract many visitors from some place吸引了很多游客 The good job attracted a good employee.吸引了许多求职者 8、Attraction n. 吸引力 tourist attractions旅游景点 tourist spot gravitational attraction重力 magnetic attraction 磁力 9、Attractive adj. 吸引人的 Attractive smile/woman/ opportunity/offer The camera has many attractive features at a very attractive price.照相机性价比很高。 Attractive to sb,对。。。有吸引力 His ideas are attractive to many people.=many people like his ideas.
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