单词极客B7段单词讲解(4.25) 录音+笔记

单词极客B7段单词讲解(4.25) 录音+笔记

2016-04-27    13'53''

主播: 单词极客5184词

873 106

B7 bat [bæt] n 球棒 bath [bɑːθ] n 洗澡,浴盆 bathroom [&`&bæθrum] n 浴室 batter [&`&bætɚ] n 重击 battery [&`&bæt(ə)rɪ] n 电池 battle [&`&bætl] n 战役 batch [bætʃ] n一批,一炉 bay [be] n 海湾 bazaar [bə&`&zɑr] n 市集 before i am going to talk about the B7 of vocabularies. I will send you guys the passage of B6 michellel talked last wwek,i hope you guys fill the blank,then i will know your studying situation. B6:从上一回的障碍( ),想到遇到障碍,要回到基地( ),重新开始,苦练棒球( ),在地下室( )从基础( )开始加强,训练基本的( )的技能,累了就用脸盆( )洗脸或是把旁边的篮子( )当篮筐,玩玩篮球( ),发出低音的( )运球声. 联想记忆 从上一回的低音的( ),想到进家门时,听到有低音的歌声,拿出球棒( ),往有人在洗澡( )的浴室( )走过去,想重击( )窃贼,此时刚好手电筒电池( )没电,和窃贼打了一场战役( ),被打到在地后,窃贼偷走了一批( )商品,拿到海湾( )的市集(  )廉价抛售 1.bat n 球棒(a wooden stick)= golf stick/bat right off the bat 立即,马上=immediately Eg:Do not speak ill of your formel bosses or cowrokers,as it will give you a bad image right off the bat 不要诋毁前老板或同事,这会让你马上让你留下一个坏印象 racket n:球拍 tennis racket网球 badminton racket 羽毛球拍 2.bath n 浴盆,洗澡 take a bath 泡澡 /take a shower 洗澡(淋浴) 3.bathroom n 浴室,厕所(非马桶) toilet:马桶式厕所 Eg: 美语中where is bathroom? 为什么不用toilet 因为它含有马桶的意思 4.batter v 重击:strike violently and repeatedly,n 打击手 Eg:It is wrong to batter your children 殴打你的孩子是错误的 5.battery n电池(power unit)连续猛击 充电 recharge the battery Eg:when the light become red,you should recharge the battery. 当灯亮起时,你就要充电了 6.battle n 战役(=war) v 战争,竞争 fight:斗争 相对小 Eg:people fight against national independence 人们为国家独立而战斗 Eg:The Amercian civil war 美国内战 7.batch n 一批,一组 a batch of spare parts/replacement parts一组备件 Eg: my mom baked a batch of cookies 我母亲考了一批饼干. 8.bay n 海湾(=gulf较大) gulf of mexico 墨西哥湾 subic bay 苏比克湾 keep sth at bay 控制,阻止 prevent Eg:a thick wall keeps the noise at bay 一道后墙可以阻止噪音 9.bazzar n 市集/场(s street of samll shops=market),fair(exhibitions) mall=supermarket