celebrate New Year's Eve
celebrate the arrival of the New Year
午夜烟花(midnight fireworks)
New Year's Eve Party
Countdown Party
Keep your chin up.不要气馁!
Try to look on the bright side of things.凡事想开点。
Be a man.勇敢些,像个男子汉!
You have our backing.我们挺你。
Cheer up! Troubles will soon be over.振作起来,困难很快就会过去的。
Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everyting invites me to cherish it.
今天,新的旭日为我升起,万物生长,生机勃勃,一切都激发着我的激情,一切都让我如此珍惜。 — Anne De Lenclos 安妮·兰洛斯