the   happiness life

the happiness life

2015-12-21    03'53''

主播: zyy1206

876 26

有梦想,有追求,就会有快乐,相信今天比昨天好,明天比今天更好!!!! 本期主播:李庚鑫 录制地点:忻州职业技术学院 今天庚鑫为您播报一段文章,听听寻找快乐的秘诀 亲爱的听众朋友们,大家好,我是本期主播庚鑫,欢迎收听由蓝莲英语社为大家送上的英语美文,The happiness life 快乐的人生。 说到快乐,我不禁想问大家你们快乐吗?那么快乐又是什莫呢? 假如你感到不快乐,那么所能找到快乐的方法就是振奋精神,使行动和言语好像已经感觉到快乐的样子,使你的脸上露出快乐的笑脸,抬头挺胸,好好你根本不深吸一口气,然后唱一段歌,假如你五音不全,就吹口哨,若是你不会吹口哨,就哼一段小曲,那么你很快就会发现,你根本不会在忧虑和颓废下去了。 在物泗横流的今天,如果我们想培养宁静和快乐的心静,,请知道有了快乐的思想和行动,你就能得到快乐,属于我们自己的快乐钥匙应该由我们自己掌握。 下面请欣赏The happiness life 快乐的人生 What is happiness ?happy is neither a gift nor a right ,we must take the initiative to seek out, heart to pursue in order to obtain when you try new things accept new challenges, because you will discover a new dimension of life but pleasatly surprised there are dreams , there to pursue ,there will be happy。because the course of the stuggle and achieve the goals of the brilliant can engender immense pleasure。 what is happiness? we have to learn to tell myself over and not with others than to recognise their own weaknss and humbly accept the recommendations of others help and advice,to abandon his mind 。 to bear the accomplishments stress。 believe that today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today。 happy like a party , you sat down to enjoy the fun , but only you want it ,you are ready for it until lightly come prepared to allow himself happy bar , let the good place bar。 everyone has the key to happiness , but we are offen unwittingly give it to someone else in charge。 通过今天的播报,希望可以让正在收听广播的你能够了解到快乐的真谛。祝愿你们心情愉快,永远快乐。 这里是蓝莲英语社英语美文时间,我是主播庚鑫。 垫乐:秋伤别恋 策划者:张媛媛 版权归原作所有。