2016-04-08    04'30''

主播: zyy1206

847 19

梦想目标还是要有的,能延年益寿喔~ 本期主播:孙娟娟 文章摘自:金山词霸 录制地点:忻州职业技术学院 A recent meta-study in the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health looked at the impact of having a “higher purpose” can have on health. Some 136,265 people participated in 10 different studies, mostly in the United States and Japan. 美国国家医学图书馆国立卫生研究院的一项最新研究探讨了拥有“崇高的目标”会对健康产生的影响。13万6265人参与了10项不同的研究,这些研究主要在美国和日本进行。 A significant association was detected between having a higher purpose in life and reduced mortality from all causes and specifically from cardiovascular disease. The participants were 67 years old, on average, at the beginning of the studies, and they were followed for seven years. During that time, more than 14,500 of them died and more than 4,000 suffered cardiovascular events such as strokes or heart attacks. 生活中拥有崇高的目标与减少各种原因,特别是心血管疾病,引发的死亡之间被检测到重要的关联。在研究之初,参与者的平均年龄为67岁,然后他们被关注了7年。在那期间,他们中的1万4500多人死亡,4000多人遭受过像中风或心脏病发作等心血管疾病的痛苦。 Analysis of the data, which includes adjustments for other known factors (like did the participants smoke?) showed that a higher sense of purpose was linked to a reduction of about 20 percent in mortality from all causes, as well as a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. This is a significant difference, and this knowledge should encourage us to help people find their purpose. It's not just nice to have one — it can actually save lives. 配合其他已知因素(如参与者抽烟吗?)对数据进行的分析表明,崇高的目标感与各种原因引发的死亡减少约20%以及降低心血管疾病的风险有关联。这是一个有意义的不同之处,这项认知将鼓励我们帮助人们找到他们的目标。拥有一个目标不只是美好而已——它确实能拯救生命。 So in the meantime, keep looking for your purpose! 所以,在此期间,继续寻找你的目标吧! 垫乐:Dream It Possible You're so fine 主播:孙娟娟 制作/策划:孙娟娟 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片来源于网络
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