最萌美语童谣Counting Senses

最萌美语童谣Counting Senses

2018-02-24    00'30''

主播: 加州Apple ABC

156 2

Marco在5岁时进入了美国当地学校的学前班,美国老师给班上小朋友们每人准备了一个每周读诗的书夹,小朋友跟着老师每周读会一首新诗,星期五带回来给家长朗读并签名。经过一段时间的实践,我慢慢感受到了老师的良苦用心。通过学诗歌的方法,Marco的识字,发音,朗读,理解力都有了很大的进步,为今后的英文学习,诗歌欣赏打下了一个良好的基础。英文磨耳朵练听力也好,儿童早期的诗歌韵律培养也好,这个最萌美语童谣能够不知不觉帮你培养边听边学的能力。 Counting Senses I see with my eyes, I hear with my ears. Two eyes, two ears. I taste with my mouth, I smell with my nose. One mouth, one nose. I touch with my hands, I feel with my toes. Two hands, ten toes. My senses tell me I&`&m truly alive. Senses one, two, three, four, five!